2024 Middleburg Horse Trials


Feel the satisfaction of serving your equestrian community.

We rely on your volunteer hours to make our annual Middleburg Horse Trials successful!

Although we have a record number of entries, we are quite short on volunteers for most jobs. We can’t run the HT without volunteers. Please ask your friends, neighbors, students, etc. to volunteer. For those that volunteer there is the added benefit of a schooling pass at Great Meadow!
Please sign up with the links below:


This system makes coordinating opportunities and contacting you easy. It also tracks your hours and has annual prizes.


After confirming your registration, visit our link to sign up for a job.


Donate your time.

Help make our events possible by showing up and giving your all.

MOC Pony Club member walking his white horse.

Why donate your time?

Take it from one of our past volunteers!

Being a member of MOC gave me the opportunity to try different sports. I became obsessed with Polocrosse. I use Pony Club to have better riding skills to become a better player and learn how to take care of my horse as I ask more from him.

Questions about volunteer opportunities?